Aug 19 @ 7:51 PM
Olivia Grace
Weighed a 46.6 lbs yellowfin
Aug 19 @ 7:51 PM
Weighed a 46.6 lbs yellowfin
Aug 19 @ 7:39 PM
Weighed a non-qualifying dolphin.
Aug 19 @ 7:35 PM
Phil Eager weighed a 16.0 lbs dolphin
Aug 19 @ 7:32 PM
Weighed a non-qualifying dolphin.
Aug 19 @ 7:18 PM
Joe Dettore weighed a 52.9 lbs yellowfin
Aug 19 @ 7:05 PM
Will Hagberg weighed a 116.1 lbs big eye
Aug 19 @ 7:05 PM
Michael Criscola weighed a 112.8 lbs big eye
Aug 19 @ 7:05 PM
Michael Criscola weighed a 106.8 lbs big eye
Aug 19 @ 6:55 PM
John Newman weighed a 60.9 lbs yellowfin
Aug 19 @ 6:35 PM
Thomas Barnes weighed a 45.2 lbs wahoo
Aug 19 @ 3:30 PM
Lindsey Allen released a white marlin.
08/19/23 @ 3:11 PM
LINES OUT! FINAL DAY! Teams, remember to fill out your catch forms prior to being at the scale! See you all soon! Weigh station time tonight- 5-8pm
Aug 19 @ 2:18 PM
Pete Cherasia released a blue marlin.
Aug 19 @ 2:18 PM
Pete Cherasia released a wmit slam.
08/19/23 @ 2:08 PM
Teams, Bird & Betty's Hosts the prestigious, "THE BIRD CUP" competition each year for the highest bar tab! The winner will be announced tonight (Saturday) at Midnight after the awards on the upper deck. Tonight, our registered teams can take a blank WMIT catch card/ weigh in form to the door for exclusive VIP access to the upper deck for the BIRD CUP! The unused daily catch report is your key to entry! You must present it to gain access. Courtney will have extra catch report sheets at the weigh in and at the club if you have used the two your team received at the Capt. meeting. Thank you and GOOD LUCK!
Aug 19 @ 2:06 PM
Released a blue marlin.
Aug 19 @ 1:37 PM
Chris Kavalir released a white marlin.
Aug 19 @ 1:20 PM
Released a white marlin.
Aug 19 @ 1:17 PM
Lindsey Allen released a white marlin.
Aug 19 @ 1:01 PM
Released a wmit slam.
Aug 19 @ 1:00 PM
Jess Kunkel released a white marlin.
Aug 19 @12:00 PM
Released a blue marlin.
Aug 19 @11:47 AM
Kyle Francis released a white marlin.
Aug 19 @ 9:56 AM
Dominic DiNapoli released a blue marlin.
Aug 19 @ 9:03 AM
Doug Allen released a white marlin.
Aug 19 @ 9:01 AM
Lindsey Allen released a white marlin.
Aug 19 @ 8:39 AM
Released a white marlin.
Aug 19 @ 8:29 AM
Released a blue marlin.
Aug 19 @ 8:29 AM
Released a 1st billfish bonus.
08/19/23 @ 8:00 AM
Good Morning, Teams! 🎣LINES IN - 8am!!!! 💥Welcome to DAY THREE! The final competition day for our fleet. We have 52 teams out fishing today. REMINDERS- The scale opens at 5pm and CLOSES AT 8pm today! Plan accordingly.
🎥Check out our YouTube Channel to watch the LIVE VIDEO STREAM of the Dock Road Marlin Fest Weigh Station and Festival. 🔗 Good Luck, Teams! Tight Lines!
We cannot wait to see who will be taking home the title of 54th ANNUAL GRAND CHAMPION!
08/18/23 @ 4:46 PM
Teams, Quick Reminder to join us at the BHMTC for a country BBQ dinner beginning at 6pm. Thank you to The Wright Law Firm for sponsoring our BAR for tonight! Come by and join us!
08/18/23 @ 3:00 PM
LINES OUT 3PM! The Majority of our fleet took a layday - but please join us at the end of Dock Road - for Dock Road Marlin Fest! Bring your families, visit our vendors and grab a drink at Bird & Betty's for the Bird's Cup! Scale will be open until all boats are back prior to Scale close at 8:30. If all teams are back in before 8:30 Scale will close early.
08/18/23 @ 8:00 AM
The majority of our fleet is taking a lay-day today. Teams can text Courtney with any issues submitting a lay-day. 🎥Tune in to YOUTUBE to watch the LIVE Weigh Station each day: (Linked on social media too) Thank you, Good Luck!
08/18/23 @ 7:36 AM
Good Morning, Teams!
A few reminders:
Thank you for your support. We are only showing 8 teams (so far) that will be fishing today. (this may change before lines in)
Welcome to Day TWO (Friday) of the 54th Annual WMIT!
-Please be sure to submit your lay-day by 8am (lines in) on the day you ARE NOT FISHING. You may text Courtney (number in your packet) if you cannot enter your lay-day on the app.
-Calcutta has be reconciled and is active on the app. You can find the payout/ "pot" info on the app next to the leaderboard under "prizes!" Tap on each category to see the $ in each division. (Disclaimer- Subject to change as the leaderboard changes each day and releases/weights are validated).
- Reminder- please specify if you have a junior (16 under) participating.
Good luck and tight lines - 30 minutes until lines in!
Aug 17 @ 7:30 PM
Vince Destefano weighed a 107.6 lbs big eye
Aug 17 @ 7:30 PM
Josh Rigstad weighed a 115.9 lbs big eye
Aug 17 @ 7:30 PM
Damien Virilli weighed a 105.3 lbs big eye
Aug 17 @ 7:20 PM
Weighed a non-qualifying dolphin.
Aug 17 @ 7:12 PM
Will Hagberg weighed a 104.6 lbs yellowfin
Aug 17 @ 7:01 PM
Sean Broderick weighed a 54.3 lbs yellowfin
Aug 17 @ 7:00 PM
Sean Broderick weighed a 53.1 lbs yellowfin
Aug 17 @ 6:59 PM
Mike Brazaitis weighed a 53.5 lbs yellowfin
Aug 17 @ 6:58 PM
Gerald Lally weighed a 47.3 lbs yellowfin
Aug 17 @ 6:40 PM
Weighed a non-qualifying dolphin.
Aug 17 @ 5:57 PM
John Hamberger weighed a 57.3 lbs yellowfin
08/17/23 @ 3:05 PM
Aug 17 @ 2:49 PM
Freddy David released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @ 2:18 PM
Ted Zajak released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @ 2:15 PM
Claude Cinelli released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @ 2:10 PM
Alex Anthony released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @ 1:57 PM
Jay Allen released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @ 1:42 PM
Michael Criscola released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @12:35 PM
Mike O'Connor released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @12:34 PM
Michael Criscola released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @11:54 AM
Mike Brazaitis released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @11:47 AM
Phil Eager released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @11:32 AM
Cooper Fersen released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @10:44 AM
Jarrett Hilman released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @10:20 AM
Pete Snieckus released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @10:19 AM
Eric Little released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @10:10 AM
Gabrielle Alves released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @ 9:53 AM
Ryan Parker released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @ 9:48 AM
Released a white marlin.
Aug 17 @ 9:48 AM
John Stukel released a 1st billfish bonus.
08/17/23 @ 8:00 AM
🎣LINES IN - 8am · DAY ONE! Good Luck, Teams! LIVE weigh station - Tune in to the weigh station at Dock Road Marlin Fest on Youtube: · Link in stories on social media. See you at the scale! 🤙
08/17/23 @ 7:33 AM
Good Morning, Teams!
A few reminders:
Thank you for your support. We have 55 Teams registered and over $500k in the pot (apx)
Welcome to Day ONE of the 54th Annual WMIT!
-Please be sure to submit your lay-day by 8am (lines in) on the day you ARE NOT fishing.
-Calcutta will be reconciled with all bank transactions today and you will be emailed a list of who is in each category. You can find the payout/ "pot" info on the app next to the leaderboard under "prizes!" Tap on each category to see the $ in each division. (Disclaimer- amounts are subject to change as the payments are reconciled & as the leaderboard changes each day).
-All boat and team edits submitted will be updated today. Reminder- please specify if you have a junior (16 under) or Female angler participating.
Good luck and tight lines - 30 minutes until lines in!