Dec 27 @ 9:40 AM
High Premium
Weighed a 77.77 lbs wahoo

Dec 27 @ 9:40 AM
Weighed a 77.77 lbs wahoo
12/26/22 @ 9:13 PM
FreeGaff Sportfishing and Round 2 have both declared for Tuesday, 12/27. Good Luck Captains.
12/26/22 @ 8:58 PM
If you have any problem declaring call or text me @ 904.859.6314 When you Check in, Check in to the same number and if you're weighing a fish, send the required picture (via the rules) with the text.
12/26/22 @ 7:42 PM
Relentless will weigh in the morning at Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville
12/26/22 @ 6:58 PM
High Premium will weigh in the morning at Strike Zone fishing Jacksonville!
12/26/22 @ 6:57 PM
Undecided will weigh in the morning at Strike Zone fishing Jacksonville
12/26/22 @ 6:44 PM
D’s Knots will weigh in the morning at Strike Zone fishing Jacksonville!!
12/25/22 @ 9:56 PM
Relentless, D's Knots, Undecided and High Premium have all declared for Monday 12/26. Good Luck Capts!
12/21/22 @ 11:37 PM
Finnikki has declared for Thursday, December 22. Good luck Capt!
12/18/22 @ 11:45 AM
This morning Just Us weighed a 31.78 to get on the MagBay Lures leaderboard.
12/18/22 @ 11:42 AM
High Premium weighed a 23.63 to get on the MagBay Lures Leaderboard this morning.
12/18/22 @ 10:08 AM
Bigger & Better got on the Magbay Lures leaderboard this morning with a 29.79.
12/18/22 @ 10:06 AM
Plumb Crazy got on the Magbay Lures leaderboard with a 25.68 this morning.
Dec 18 @10:44 AM
Weighed a 23.63 lbs wahoo
Dec 18 @10:33 AM
Weighed a 31.78 lbs wahoo
Dec 18 @10:01 AM
Weighed a 29.79 lbs wahoo
Dec 18 @ 9:59 AM
Weighed a 25.68 lbs wahoo
12/17/22 @ 9:21 PM
Plumb Crazy will weigh in the morning at Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville.
12/17/22 @ 9:05 PM
Bigger and better will weigh tomorrow morning at Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville
12/17/22 @ 7:25 PM
High premium will weigh at Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville in the morning
12/17/22 @ 6:01 PM
Just Us will weigh in the morning at Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville!
12/17/22 @ 8:09 AM
Mister Mow it All and FreeGaff Sportfishing Have Undeclared this morning (12/17/22)
12/16/22 @ 10:21 PM
High Premium, Jason Beckner, Bigger & Better, Just Us, Plumb Crazy, Mister Mow it All, Lo-Joe, Loggin Off, FreeGaff Sportfishing, Double D and Second Chance have all declared for Saturday December 17th! Good Luck Captains!
12/09/22 @ 10:25 AM
Undecided weighed a 31.94 to get on the Magbay Lures Leaderboard this morning.
12/09/22 @ 10:23 AM
Another Tangle got on the Magbay Lures Leaderboard this morning weighing a 38.44!
Dec 09 @10:12 AM
Weighed a 38.44 lbs wahoo
Dec 09 @10:11 AM
Weighed a 31.94 lbs wahoo
12/08/22 @ 7:14 PM
Another Tangle will weigh in the morning at Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville!
12/08/22 @ 6:14 PM
Undecided will weigh in the morning at Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville
12/08/22 @ 9:58 AM
Loose Cannon gets on the Magbay Lures leaderboard for the 40.27!
12/08/22 @ 9:41 AM
No Name II got on the Magbay Lures leaderboard with a 23.25 pound fish this morning.
12/08/22 @ 9:38 AM
Rum and Gun got on the Magbay Lures leaderboard today with a 38.83 pound fish.
Dec 08 @ 9:54 AM
Weighed a 40.27 lbs wahoo
Dec 08 @ 9:16 AM
Weighed a 23.25 lbs wahoo
Dec 08 @ 9:14 AM
Weighed a 38.83 lbs wahoo
12/07/22 @ 9:12 PM
Privilege, Undecided and Another Tangle have all declared for Thursday, December 8th. Good Luck Captains!
12/07/22 @ 6:46 PM
Loose Cannon will weigh in tomorrow morning @ Strike Zone Fishing Jacksonville!
12/07/22 @ 6:45 PM
Rum & Gun will weigh in tomorrow morning @ Strike Zone Fishing Jacksonville!
12/07/22 @ 6:42 PM
No Name II will weigh in tomorrow morning @ Strike Zone Fishing Jacksonville!
12/07/22 @ 12:01 PM
Marine Specialties currently sits atop the Magbay Lures Leaderboard with a 102.14lb Aggregate.
12/07/22 @ 11:57 AM
Tightwad gets on the Magbay Lures leaderboard with a 36.11lb fish.
12/07/22 @ 11:55 AM
Fratt House gets on the Magbay Lures leaderboard with a 52.98lb fish.
12/07/22 @ 11:54 AM
Second Chance gets on the Magbay Lures leaderboard with a 62.20lb fish.
12/07/22 @ 11:52 AM
Finnikki gets on the Magbay Lures leaderboard with a 45.24lb fish.
12/07/22 @ 11:50 AM
Time Machine adds to their MagBay Lures Leaderboard Total for a 101.13lb Aggregate
12/07/22 @ 11:47 AM
Bow Down adds to their MagBay Lures Leaderboard Total for a 62.58lb Aggregate
Dec 07 @11:41 AM
Weighed a 36.11 lbs wahoo
Dec 07 @11:34 AM
Marc Padgett weighed a 45.24 lbs wahoo
Dec 07 @ 9:39 AM
Weighed a 52.98 lbs wahoo
Dec 07 @ 9:37 AM
Weighed a 71.37 lbs wahoo
Dec 07 @ 9:36 AM
Weighed a 62.2 lbs wahoo
Dec 07 @ 9:33 AM
Weighed a 63.46 lbs wahoo
Dec 07 @ 9:31 AM
Weighed a 33.13 lbs wahoo
12/06/22 @ 9:36 PM
Mister Mow It All, Loose Cannon, No Name II, Team Marine Specialties, Rum & Gun and Ms Bonfeld V have all declared for Wednesday, December 7th. Good Luck Captains! * Remember to take a picture of your fish on the water, preferably as soon after the catch as possible. Safety is paramount though, make sure the fish doesn't pose a threat to bite you or or your crew and sea conditions are conducive.
12/06/22 @ 8:58 PM
Fratt House will weigh in the morning at Strike Zone Fishing Jacksonville.
12/06/22 @ 8:57 PM
Tightwad will weigh in the morning at Strike Zone Fishing Jacksonville.
12/06/22 @ 8:56 PM
Finnikki will weigh in the morning at Strike Zone Fishing Jacksonville.
12/06/22 @ 8:54 PM
Bow Down will weigh in the morning at Strike Zone Fishing Jacksonville.
12/06/22 @ 6:58 PM
Team time machine will wait in the morning at Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville
12/06/22 @ 6:49 PM
Team Marine specialties will weigh in the morning at Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville. #oink
12/06/22 @ 6:46 PM
Second Chance will weigh in the morning at Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville.
Dec 06 @11:07 AM
Weighed a 38.28 lbs wahoo
12/05/22 @ 9:13 PM
Finnikki, Tightwad, Bow Down, Time Machine, Team Marine Specialties, Second Chance and Fratt House have all declared for Tuesday, December 6th.
* Remember to take a picture of your fish on the water, preferably as soon after the catch as possible. Safety is paramount though, make sure the fish doesn't pose a threat to bite you or or your crew and sea conditions are conducive.
Good Luck Captains!
12/05/22 @ 6:34 PM
Hammer Down will weigh in the morning @ Strike-Zone Fishing Jacksonville!
12/05/22 @ 10:55 AM
Loggin Off got on the Magbay Lures leaderboard with a 31.96 pound fish this morning!
12/05/22 @ 10:03 AM
Marine Specialties got on the Magbay Lures leaderboard with a 30.77 pound fish this morning.
12/05/22 @ 9:35 AM
Time Machine got on the Magbay Lures leaderboard with a 37.67 pound fish this morning.
Dec 05 @10:51 AM
Weighed a 31.96 lbs wahoo
Dec 05 @ 9:53 AM
Weighed a 30.77 lbs wahoo