Mongo Offshore

Mongo Offshore

April 29 - September 30, 2021


Activity Feed


12/24/21 @ 2:57 PM

MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New year!

Thank you again to all of you that competed in, sponsored, supported and followed the MONGO this year! It was a great year, and we are looking forward to a even better one in 2022🤙
MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New year! From our MONGO family to yours! 🙏

10/25/21 @ 2:34 PM

Congrats team “INTENSE” for your MONGO wahoo win!

Captain/ Owner of team “INTENSE” showing off his MONGO trophy.

10/11/21 @ 12:31 PM


Team “IT JUST TAKES TIME” showing off their MONGO trophy they received for winning the Blue Marlin category with a 793 lb blue. CONGRATS!

09/30/21 @ 6:19 PM

THANK YOU for being a part of the 2021 MONGO Offshore Challenge 🙏

Sep 29 @ 1:41 PM

Fleur de Lis

Weighed a 271.9 lbs swordfish

09/27/21 @ 11:09 AM

Couple reminders

Hello all MONGO teams. Just a few reminders -
•All MONGO scales close 5pm September 30, you must be tied to a MONGO weigh dock or waiting to weigh your fish prior to 5pm central time .
•Please be sure to register all of your anglers name and email as we will conduct a few more ANGLER prize drawings for “registered” anglers on the APP.
•MAUI JIM DEAL - we will honor the MAUI Jim 50% off up to 6 pair of glasses per registered team through the Month of October, get your orders in by emailing mongobluemarlin@gmail.com
• Please help us thank all of our sponsors, and tell them MONGO sent ya.

Thank you all for choosing to fish the 2021 MONGO OFFSHORE CHALLENGE!

09/07/21 @ 10:18 AM


We will do another MONGO angler prize drawing this Friday Sept 10 at 5pm .

We will draw 1 winner from the “REGISTERED” anglers on the MONGO App. Make sure all of your anglers are registered (name and email) so they are eligible. There is no limit on the amount of anglers a team can have.

The drawing winner will receive a free pair of MAUI JIM sunglasses of their choice, and a custom MONGO Yeti CUP.

(Message us if you need help registering your anglers on the APP.)

And thanks again for fishing and being part of the MONGO! 🤙

Sep 05 @ 8:44 PM

Breathe Easy

Weighed a 584.2 lbs 1st blue marlin

Sep 05 @ 7:55 PM

Breathe Easy

Weighed a 584.2 lbs blue marlin