
Oak Bluffs Bluewater Classic

July 14 - July 18, 2020


Activity Feed

07/16/20 @ 10:51 PM

OBBC Tournament Update

To all boats fishing...since some of you are on moorings in Oak Bluffs, you can declare your trip after midnight as long as you are in the inner harbor inside the jetties. Noone can leave the harbor prior to midnight. Let's Go!!

07/16/20 @ 9:40 PM

OBBC Tournament Update

To all boats fishing Friday and Saturday....the weigh station on Saturday will be open at 4pm. So if you are back a little early, please check in so we can get a head start on things!

07/16/20 @ 6:18 PM

IMPORTANT OBBC Boats staying In OB Harbor

To all boats staying in the harbor, it is very important that all boats respect their surroundings and the Oak Bluffs Marina area. We have experienced some complaints already, and this kind of stuff doesn't help the tournament and is not a good representation of what this event is all about. So we are asking that everyone please keep the noise level down after hours, and understand that we are all guests. If your boat is involved in an incident, you will be asked to leave. The harbor has a zero tolerance on disruptive behavior. Let's all have some fun, and catch lots of fish. Good luck!

07/16/20 @ 2:34 PM

OBBC Tournament Update

To all boats fishing after midnight tonight, please keep in mind that the vast majority of the fleet is heading out to fish Friday and Saturday. Consequently our weigh in on Saturday evening will be very busy. We strongly ask and advise that everyone have their release footage cued up and ready to go, and your fish to be weighed on the deck, before approaching the weigh station. We will not be able to weigh more than the maximum amount of fish allowed. Boats will be allowed to wait in their slips or moorings.

We will do our very best to keep the tournament app current with scores but will probably not have it finalized until late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. We will award all winning vessels their prizes either in Oak Bluffs on Sunday morning or on the mainland on Monday.

Also there was some confusion on rule number 10 which has been modified to explain IGFA rules correctly. Leaders shall be no more than 30 feet, however the IGFA aloows an additional 10 feet for double line in addition to the 30 feet.

Lastly all boats with beams greater than 17' should plan on approaching the weigh station port side to. We will have a polyball on the finger pier and there will be a piling with fenders to secure your bow on.

Good luck everyone!

07/13/20 @ 5:30 PM

Tournament Update!

This is a message from the OBBC tournament. Please text tournament organizer Damon Sacco your check-in location for Tuesday if you haven't already done so. (Falmouth or Oak Bluff) 508-221-5136

We are extending Saturday fishing time so that all 4 days Wed-Sat will have the same fishing schedule. Boats will need to be checked in with the Oak Bluff Weigh Station by 6pm when returning. This will also be reviewed at the online Captains Meeting on the OBBC Facebook page 7:30PM on Tues.

There is no awards ceremony. We have added 250 dollars per vessel into the prize money. All prize logistics can be viewed on the OBBC website on the PRIZES section. Trophies....cash....prizes will be handed out in person to vessels Saturday night. This will be filmed and broadcasted on the OBBC app TV section.

Also you will need to download the OBBC app and create an account for your vessel using this link. https://0wvrw.app.link/0arxc5hXZ7

If you are having problems, text Damon as soon as possible.
Be sure and join the Dock Talk group on the App to get important event updates and information.